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From Perti to Manie

Castles and ancient villages in the green

A easy path in an area which resembles an open-air museum, the Finalese area presents traces of life belonging to different historical periods.


Point 1

From the roundabout of the road which takes to Gorra,  take the Provincial Road 17 on the other side of the valley and continue direction Perti. Pass the church of San Sebastiano and go uphill  up to the church of St. Eusebio.
There you can leave the car and  continue on foot.

San Sebastiano (ph: Provincia di Savona) Sant'Eusebio  (ph: Provincia di Savona) Sant'Eusebio  (ph: Provincia di Savona) Sant'Eusebio  (ph: Provincia di Savona)

Point 2

On the way back you can have a look of Castel Govone on the left hand side.

Castel Govone (Ph: Rescigno-Merlo) Castel Govone (Ph: Rescigno-Merlo)
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Point 3

Going further and passing St. Eusebio's Church, among olive trees there is a path leading to the Church of Our Lady of Loreto, called and known as  the “Church of the Five Bell Towers”.

Our Lady of Loreto Chapel (ph: Provincia di Savona) Our Lady of Loreto Chapel (ph: Provincia di Savona)
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Point 4

By car it possible to reach the hamlet “Case Valle”m, from which there is a path leading to the Church of St. Anthony and Castrum Perticae. The last part of the track in the wood  is suitable for rather trained walkers.

Cappella di S. Antonino (Ph: Provincia di Savona) Cappella di S. Antonino (Ph: Provincia di Savona) Castrum Perticae (Ph: Provincia di Savona)
Design: Provincia di Savona | Credits e note legali