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St. Eusebio's Church

Chiesa di Sant'Eusebio (Ph: Provincia di Savona)
Chiesa di Sant'Eusebio (Ph: Provincia di Savona) Chiesa di Sant'Eusebio (Ph: Provincia di Savona) Chiesa di Sant'Eusebio (Ph: Provincia di Savona) Chiesa di Sant'Eusebio (Ph: Provincia di Savona) Chiesa di Sant'Eusebio (Ph: Provincia di Savona) Chiesa di Sant'Eusebio (Ph: Provincia di Savona)

One of the most ancient churches in Finale, dedicated to St. Eusebio, was built here. Today’s building is the result of many transformations. Its foundation probably dates back to the 10th or 11th century.

The crypt, supported by thin polygonal columns, with roughly-shaped capitals and round arches, is accessible from the interior. The lower semicircular part of the apse supports a polygonal structure dating back to the gothic period (13th or 14th century). The ribbed belfry with small intertwined gothic brick arches, is very unusual in Ligurian architecture. The rest of the church was rebuilt during the baroque period.

Design: Provincia di Savona | Credits e note legali