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The Roman bridges

On the Roman road

Passed the village of Verzi find the path of the Roman road that leads to the above Val Ponchos. On its way you will meet the traces of stunning engineering feats, the Roman bridges.

Point 1

Arma delle Mànie is one of the largest caves of the Finale area. Located on the plateau of Le Manie, facing south about 250 m above sea level, surrounded by Mediterranean vegetation, it is easily accessible through a paved road that branches off the main road.

Arma delle Manie (Ph: Provincia di Savona) Arma delle Manie (Ph: Provincia di Savona) Arma delle Manie (Ph: Provincia di Savona)
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Point 2

Not far from Arma delle Manie, the Grotta dei Ciliegi (Cave of cherry trees) is reached by a short branch of the path that leads to the Val Ponci. The site is located under a large shelter in the rock, slightly elevated on a dry stone wall, and is formed on the left by a small and charming cave with a rounded mouth and on the right by an archaeological site, protected by railings.

Grotta dei Ciliegi (Ph: Provincia di Savona) Grotta dei Ciliegi (Ph: Provincia di Savona)
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Point 3

After the village of Verzi, at the bottom of Pia Valley, you can find the Roman road going into the Ponci Valley. Te way Julia Augusta (13-12 BC) connected Piacenza to the South of France and was developed in an internal path in order to avoid the cliffs of Capo Noli. From the Magnone pass, the road brought towards Finale Ligure: in the Ponci valley you can still see five Roman bridges, which allowed the crossing of the river.

Ponti romani (Ph: Provincia di Savona) Ponti romani (Ph: Provincia di Savona)
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Point 4

Walking northbound in Val Ponci, towards Colla di Magnone, shortly after passing Ponte delle Voze branches off to the right a steep path through the woods leading to the remains of quarries used by the Romans to extract the blocks of "Pietra di Finale" (Finale's stone). Stone was used for construction of bridges on the via Julia Augusta.

Cave romane (Ph: Provincia di Savona) Cave romane (Ph: Provincia di Savona)
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