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Territorio of Finale

The Union of Municipalities called "UNIONE DEI COMUNI DEL FINALESE", located in the Municipality of Finale Ligure, was formed between the Towns of Finale Ligure and Orco Feglino.

The Union's territorial scope coincides with that of the municipalities that make it up. Identified with the name "UNIONE DEI COMUNI DEL FINALESE", it has its own coat of arms.

The Union was formed in order to bring together and to join some of the functions and services of the participating municipalities. Among them, also tourism: promotion of the area, sport and recreation, culture and cultural heritage, events.

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Finale Ligure

Finale Ligure overlooks the Ligurian Sea between Caprazoppa headlands and Capo Noli and includes a large green hinterland of particular natural and archaeological interest. Thanks to this vast and diverse territory, Finale Ligure has a strong and varied tourist vocation: seaside tourism, sailing and diving, climbing and mountain biking, excursions, cultural and archeological tours are the activities that attract visitors in all seasons of the year , mainly thanks to the mild climate during the winter.

The Municipality of Finale Ligure, which is part of the Province of Savona, was born in 1927 at the end of successive mergers of the most common, recognizable today in the town of Finalmarina, Finalborgo, Finalpia and Varigotti. In 2006 he was awarded the title of City, which stresses recognition of its historical importance. In the three valleys that furrow (Pora, Aquila and Sciusa) are located several villages with their characteristic villages (Gorra and Olle, Monticello, Perti, San Bernardino, and Calvisio Verzi) while to the east lies the Altopiano delle Manie, an area of great naturalistic importance, archaeological and geological....

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Orco Feglino

Comune dell'entroterra di Finale Ligure nell'alta valle dell'Aquila, Orco Feglino è immerso nel verde, circondato da frutteti e vigneti dai quali si producono ottimi Lumassina e Barbarossa. E' composto da due nuclei abitativi: Feglino che sorge sul fondovalle presso il torrente e Orco situato sul crinale con una splendida vista panoramica.
L’unione di questi due borghi avvenne nel 1869. Il Comune di Orco Feglino nacque ufficialmente come entità politica, giuridica, amministrativa, geografica, con il Regio Decreto 7 luglio 1869 che di fatto aboliva i Comuni di Orco e di Feglino ed istituiva il Comune di Orco Feglino, assegnando a Feglino la sede del Comune.
Prima di allora i due Comuni, anzi le due Comunità, seguirono le alterne vicende del Marchesato del Carretto, Signori del Finale...

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