
The village of Verzi is located on the left side of Sciusa stream, 120 meters above sea level, and can be reached along the road that from Calvisio, from the bridge called Verzi Bridge, clambers up the hill. From its dominant position you can see the majestic cliff of Rocca di Corno and the ancient village of Lacremà, just across the valley. The hamlet is characterized by the many stone buildings placed side by side, with narrow passages, surrounded by olive groves and vineyards.
From Verzi there are several paths, both towards the valley floor, as well as to Manie plateau, especially the one of Val Ponci, the ancient Roman road Iulia Augusta, along which you can admire five Roman bridges, some still in use.
Events: art exhibitions, concerts, sports' events and activities for children, cultural meetings, and much more