Aycardi Theatre

Goffredo Casalis wrote in 1840 “A little but elegant theatre was built at the beginning of this century by various people of this town at their own expense”. The most important Finalborgo families actually drafted a plan in 1803 with the aim of providing the town with a “suitable hall” which could embellish it, “educate young people and encourage morals”. The theatre, with its 250 seats, 24 boxes and little stalls, was created using the former Oratory of the Fathers of Scuole Pie, following the design of engineer Nicolò Barella. During the 19th century it regularly hosted theatrical and musical companies.
The great passion of Finale citizens for music is witnessed by the staging, in 1845, by local amateur actors, of an opera specially written for this theatre – “L’empirico ed il masnadiero” (libretto by Lazzaro Damezzano and music by G. B. Oldoini). The most famous works by Bellini, Donizetti and Verdi were staged during the second half of the 19th century.
In the 20th century the theatre was mainly used by local amateur actors, by cultural clubs and by the local music Academy. The Aycardi Theatre was closed in 1965, being no longer fit for use. The roof and the façade have recently been repaired. The theatre will soon be completely restored.
After a full restoration intervention, on 18 May 2019 a re-opening concert took place at the theater.
The Theater will be open on the occasion of guided tours organized by the Archeology Museum of Finale, upon request for groups and schools and with fixed appointments (the schedule is enclosed or listed in the calendar of events).
The openings of the monument are made possible thanks to the Project of Diffused Museum of Finale.
Site MUDIF: https://www.mudifinale.com/sito-monumento/monumenti/teatri/teatro-aycardi
For more information and reservations for groups and schools: tel. 019 690020 - info@mudifinale.com