Asd Supergiù

The Association aims to promote amateur sports activities such as psycho-physical training tool of the individual and especially of young people, with particular emphasis on sport climbing discipline and to outdoor sports.
Through the promotion of sport, the Association intends to promote a culture of integration of each person, with particular attention to disabled, and also sensitize people to think green, attentive to the preservation and conservation of natural, historical, artistic and cultural of the Finale area (see. Regulations, art. 2.2-3).
Affiliated to the UISP, we organize activities for members of the association: a vertical game for the boys (from September to May) in an indoor climbing facility exits with guys outdoor environment, in cliffs Finalesi starter courses and climbing training for adults and children in summer weeks Finalesi cliffs of activities in environment, for pupils ("green weeks") maintenance of trails and climbing sites in the municipality of Orco feglino cultural and associative events at the Museum of the Territory of Orco.
Asd Supergiù annually organizes the annual event climbing Orco Climb on artificial structures in Orco, in collaboration with the Pro Loco S. Lorenzino of Orco.