Alpine Guides

The Alpine Guides of Liguria are professionals established by the Regional Law 17 December 2012, n. 44 "Order of the mountain guide profession" - (OJ 3rd Special Series - Regions n. 9 of 02.03.2013), under the willing of the Law 2 January 1989, n. 6 "Order of the mountain guide profession." (OJ 9 of 12.1.1989) notes: Entry into force of the law: 27.1.1989.
Is Mountain Guide who plays professionally, even in a non-exclusive, non-continuous, the following activities:
- a) accompanying people in both ascents on rock and ice or hiking in the mountains;
- b) accompanying people climbing ski mountaineering or ski excursions; c) teaching of mountaineering techniques and ski mountaineering with the exception of skiing techniques of downhill slopes and cross-country.
Carrying on a professional basis of the activities referred to in paragraph 1, on any terrain without difficulty limits and, for ski trips, out of ski resorts equipped or downhill slopes or cross-country and in any case where you might need the 'use of techniques and mountaineering equipment, is restricted to mountain guides in the practice and are listed on the professional mountain guides established by Article. 4, except as provided for in Articles 3 and 16.