Art Bonus

The Municipality of Finale Ligure, among priority interventions for the three-year period 2018/2020 has focused on an articulated project for Palazzo Ricci in Finalborgo with the aim of giving back to the community an asset already involved in various activities, thanks to the cooperating local associations.
Palazzo Ricci, thanks to the cultural project, will therefore be able to enhance its actual intended use: Historical Archive and Musical and Photography Sections of the Library, places of knowledge and research. The Administration has decided to support the participation and later the selection in the ban “Luoghi della Cultura” (cultural places) put out by Compagnia di San Paolo by planning and intervention promoting a dialogue among the local associations and, at the same time, let them open onto a larger context. Citizens and tourists will thus be given back a cultural location, a place of amusement and knowledge, plunging its roots in a culturally active context, all year round.
Internal enhancement and promotion actions aimed at qualifying and recovering what is necessary in order to make the spaces available and to properly equip them go hand in hand with actions enabling to look outside the building. By opening the doors (main door on via del Municipio) and disclosing and communicating in the broadest way, first of all through stories, the heritage of the Palace are the means enabling to activate networks, connecting people and realizing sustainable projects. Rediscovering the treasures of the Phonotheque, Musical Library, images Bank and historic Archive also means rediscovering facts, local and foreign characters, events and leading figures, besides peoples' life and architecture, which left indelible visions and sounds, worthwhile communicating. The Historic Archive has been managed from 1995to 2018 by Mr. Angelo Tortarolo as a voluntary.
As a hub of a consolidating network, Palazzo Ricci preserves and discloses its treasures making fragile but powerful assets available for the community and stands as a renewed, central and living cultural subject for the Finale territory.
The premises are currently being refurbished in order to range all the documents which are located in Palazzo Ricci and to guarantee more performing services to users. These interventions are necessary to enable all the activities which will be carried out: didactic workshops, thematic hearings, listening training meetings, thematic screenings, publications, on line thematic itineraries.
The Musical Section premises on the first floor and the Historic Archive on the second floor will be refurnished with proper shelves and containers, and a new equipment of tables, chairs and armchairs will guarantee comfort to future users. All this will enable to create headphone listening posts and a sound lab in a room located on the first floor destined to host the CD collection, while the Historic Archive will be equipped with a computer station. The former Council Hall on the first floor will be equipped with chairs, tables and projector in order to host conferences, ,hearings and events. The Musical Section, moreover, already professionally equipped - High-fi and High End system bought between 2005 and 2010 thanks to a regional financing, will be equipped with racks able to contain these instruments.
The total cost of the intervention on Palazzo Ricci amounts to 89.000 Euros.
The contribution provided by Compagnia di San Paolo is 50.000 Euros.
The co-financing deliberated by the Municipality of Finale is 17.000 Euros.
The contribution allocated by Associations and Centro Storico del Finale is 3.000 Euros.
Through Art Bonus we ask 19.000 Euros to patrons.
Il Progetto Laboratorio Ricci: sinergie per la memoria
Read all the informations»
What is Art bonus
Under art.1 of D.L. 31.5.2014, n. 83, "Disposizioni urgenti per la tutela del patrimonio culturale, lo sviluppo della cultura e il rilancio del turismo" (urgent provisions for the cultural heritage protection, the development of culture and the relaunching of tourism) converted with modifications in the Law n. 106 of 29/07/2014 e s.m.i., a tax credit was introduced for liberal provisions supporting culture and shows, the so called Art bonus, in support of patronage in favor of cultural heritage.
All those providing money in support of culture, under the above mentioned law, will be able to enjoy important tax benefits in the form of tax credit.
All useful information at this link:
Art. 100 of TUIR, concerning restorations and activities. See enclosed pdf.