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Site of Community Importance SIC

SIC Finalese-Capo Noli
Site of Community Importance SIC

The SIC is a system formed by areas  characterized by  a high biodiversity. In the province of Savona 28 terrestrial and 7 Marine SIC have been identified.

The Site of Community Importance ( S.I.C.) called “Finalese - Capo Noli” thanks to its great variety of environments and  its extremely high biodivesity, is one of the most important regional S.I.C.  ( it is about 28 sq km).
In the province of Savona, the following  Municipalities are involved in SIC: Borgio Vezzi, Calice Ligure, Finale Ligure, Noli, Orco Feglino, Vezzi Portio.

Design: Provincia di Savona | Credits e note legali