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Cave of Balconi

Grotta dei Balconi (Ph: Provincia di Savona)
Grotta dei Balconi - sbocco sulla Val di Nava (Ph: Provincia di Savona) Grotta dei Balconi - ingresso (Ph: Provincia di Savona) Grotta dei Balconi (Ph: Provincia di Savona)

Shorter and flatter than the nearby Strapatente Cave, the Balconi Cave is a through-cave overlooking Nava Valley.

The cave can be reached by a path from the east entrance which, as many caves in the Finalese area, is partially blocked by stone walls, which testify the previous use of the cave for sheep-farming.

Walking along the short natural tunnel, you will come to a window overlooking the wild Nava Valley: the absence either of buildings and of houses makes the landscape a unique and picturesque view, a real step back in time.

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