The "Conche" Ciappo

The Conche Ciappo (stone) is formed by porous limestone and can be seen on the southern side of Mount Cucco, immersed in the Mediterranean vegetation. On it there are numerous petroglyphs divided morphologically in basins (small quantity), cups (circular recesses) and ducts systems, a real rudimentary system for collecting rainwater for watering animals, also used for attracting preys to be hunted. It is likely to be used for ritual functions, since it has always been frequented during prehistoric ages.
There are also more recent figurative etchings: cruciform signs, perhaps stylized human figures, and figures belonging to the modern era such as train, sailing, flowers.
Passed the slab of the Conche Ciappo, a deviation to the right leads to a shelter used by oxen (called "throne"), a semicircular recess under a rock. Such recesses have poles inside, which originally supported a wooden cover and; on the wall, there are niches, seats and trays. The vault presents many cross-shaped and geometric incisions, whose dating is unknown, since the site has been used up to the contemporary era.